Automatically starting vnc server for multiple users on winxp
Rob Lapp
2011-10-25 17:52:55 UTC
This is my first post, hope this is correct.

I'm using the free edition, 4.1 on winxp. I have a computer (my kids) that
is set up for several users. I would like vnc to start when anyone logs on.
I have tried both service and user mode and have problems with both. The
problem comes when one user logs on, vnc starts, then this user does not log
off, and another user logs on (switches in winxp terms).

When this happens in service mode and I connect, the computer goes back to
the logon screen and vnc will only connect if the first user logs back in.
In user mode, since I added vncserver to the startup folder, a second vnc
server starts. This session says "not accepting connections" when I hover
the mouse over the icon. If I try to connect, I believe the first session
initially connects, then drops the connection.

Is there a way to have the vnc server follow the active user when more than
one user is logged on at a time? Or is there a way to tell the vnc server to
close if a user "switches" and then another user logs on.


