Cursor disappears in Notepad
Jon Harris
2011-03-09 09:10:13 UTC
I am using VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.3 on XP and accessing a PC running VNC Server Free Edition 4.1.3 in Service Mode also on Windows XP. In many programs, the locally rendered cursor disappears when in an editable text field. A simple example is Notepad. When hovering over a menu, the arrow cursor is displayed as expected. But over the main text editing area, where you would normally get the "I-beam" cursor, I see nothing.

I know about the Render cursor locally option. I have had to turn it off since otherwise the cursor totally disappears in many places as mentioned above. But I would like to be able to use this feature as the mouse action is much smoother with it on, especially with slower connections.

Any ideas?
Philip Herlihy
2011-03-09 12:40:22 UTC
Might be worth checking your mouse settings - there's an option to "hide
cursor when typing" that might be responsible for this. Check server and

Philip Herlihy

-----Original Message-----
From: vnc-list-***@realvnc.com [mailto:vnc-list-***@realvnc.com] On
Behalf Of Jon Harris
Sent: 09 March 2011 09:10
To: vnc-***@realvnc.com
Subject: Cursor disappears in Notepad

I am using VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.3 on XP and accessing a PC running
VNC Server Free Edition 4.1.3 in Service Mode also on Windows XP. In many
programs, the locally rendered cursor disappears when in an editable text
field. A simple example is Notepad. When hovering over a menu, the arrow
cursor is displayed as expected. But over the main text editing area, where
you would normally get the "I-beam" cursor, I see nothing.

I know about the Render cursor locally option. I have had to turn it off
since otherwise the cursor totally disappears in many places as mentioned
above. But I would like to be able to use this feature as the mouse action
is much smoother with it on, especially with slower connections.

Any ideas?
Jon Harris
2011-03-09 16:30:36 UTC
It wasn't the "hide cursor when typing" option, but I did find a solution. Under Mouse->Pointers, I changed the cursor for "Text Select" (the I-beam) to something thicker. Apparently, the local rendering doesn't work on cursors that are only 1-pixel thick. I switched to a 2-pixel thick I-beam and it works!

On a related note, I was trying out the Personal Edition viewer and I couldn't find the local cursor option in the GUI. Eventually I discovered it in the "Expert" tab, UseLocalCursor option, which defaults to False. Just an FYI for anyone else looking for that setting.


> From: ***@herlihy.eu.com
> To: ***@hotmail.com; vnc-***@realvnc.com
> Subject: RE: Cursor disappears in Notepad
> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 12:40:22 +0000
> Might be worth checking your mouse settings - there's an option to "hide
> cursor when typing" that might be responsible for this. Check server and
> viewer.
> Philip Herlihy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vnc-list-***@realvnc.com [mailto:vnc-list-***@realvnc.com] On
> Behalf Of Jon Harris
> Sent: 09 March 2011 09:10
> To: vnc-***@realvnc.com
> Subject: Cursor disappears in Notepad
> I am using VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.3 on XP and accessing a PC running
> VNC Server Free Edition 4.1.3 in Service Mode also on Windows XP. In many
> programs, the locally rendered cursor disappears when in an editable text
> field. A simple example is Notepad. When hovering over a menu, the arrow
> cursor is displayed as expected. But over the main text editing area, where
> you would normally get the "I-beam" cursor, I see nothing.
> I know about the Render cursor locally option. I have had to turn it off
> since otherwise the cursor totally disappears in many places as mentioned
> above. But I would like to be able to use this feature as the mouse action
> is much smoother with it on, especially with slower connections.
> Any ideas?
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