Jon Harris
2011-03-09 09:10:13 UTC
I am using VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.3 on XP and accessing a PC running VNC Server Free Edition 4.1.3 in Service Mode also on Windows XP. In many programs, the locally rendered cursor disappears when in an editable text field. A simple example is Notepad. When hovering over a menu, the arrow cursor is displayed as expected. But over the main text editing area, where you would normally get the "I-beam" cursor, I see nothing.
I know about the Render cursor locally option. I have had to turn it off since otherwise the cursor totally disappears in many places as mentioned above. But I would like to be able to use this feature as the mouse action is much smoother with it on, especially with slower connections.
Any ideas?
I know about the Render cursor locally option. I have had to turn it off since otherwise the cursor totally disappears in many places as mentioned above. But I would like to be able to use this feature as the mouse action is much smoother with it on, especially with slower connections.
Any ideas?