Key-repeating on MacOS
Michał Kowalczyk
2012-12-11 23:24:14 UTC
I have a problem with key-repeating. VNC server is on Kubuntu, VNC Client
works on my MacOS Lion (10.7.5). Everything works fine except
key-repeating. It is really annoying during work with a text (and moving
cursor with arrows).

Is this problem is known? Are there any solution for this?

Mike Miller
2012-12-13 19:04:45 UTC
Post by Michał Kowalczyk
I have a problem with key-repeating. VNC server is on Kubuntu, VNC
Client works on my MacOS Lion (10.7.5). Everything works fine except
key-repeating. It is really annoying during work with a text (and moving
cursor with arrows).
Is this problem is known? Are there any solution for this?
All I can say is "me too" (Free Xvnc), but it is not consistent and I
don't know what causes it. An example would be that I am using ctrl-b to
move the cursor back (left) on a line, just holding the keys down, and
after a dozen or so characters, the ctrl key stops working and I see
bbbbbbbbbbbbb in the middle of my text. The annoying work around is to
stop every few repeats, lift off the ctrl key, then repeat.

One weird thing: This problem does not persist, which is good. If I
connect enough times from the same machine, it seems not to do it anymore.
What would have changed? I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure that's how
it works.

